Wednesday, November 21, 2012


 This was taken a few nights ago.  They were watching a "show" comfortably.
 It is cold here and might dip below zero tonight.  The trade off is beautiful pink mountains.
 I didn't really feel like going outside, but it is skedaddle day.  At 4 degrees, it took many layers to keep us toasty.  Duke stayed warm except his fingers, must need hand warmers in his mittens. 
We had a great time sledding until Kincaid did one of his high speed ejections.  He got a cut under his eye from his glasses and bruised his cheek, again.  He is a strange combination of dare devil and cautious child.  Duke just liked going fast! 


Anonymous said...

That is cold! Poor injury prone child.

Anonymous said...

You do a wonderful job of getting the boys outside even when it's so-so cold.

Your mom

Anonymous said...


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