Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Dino Museum

 We left the house!  Yipee - I let the car warm up for about 15 minutes and still had to scrape it fully.  Just a bit chilly for a long time here.  I would love some snow, but am rather enjoying the clear roads.  The kids and I went to the Dino Museum again.  Today was Moose Day and the craft was to trace a foot for the moose face and hands for the antlers, a pom pom for the nose.  Duke drew nice eyes and Kincaid passed on the entire thing.
 Kincaid did take the camera and snap some pictures.  He set up the dinosaurs for this shot.  He did quite an extensive play about the Maisauras and the Troodons.  Good stuff.
Another picture courtesy of Kincaid.  You can see all of my layers - it is chilly in that place!  I am handing back the Gulper Eel and Frilled Lizard back to Duke.  Those are his two favorites!  Silly boy. 


Anonymous said...

As always love your posts! tga

Anonymous said...

Kincaid is getting to be quite the photographer (and I love the pictures of you).

Your mom

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