Tuesday, December 18, 2012


 It has been a trying couple of days with these little angles.
 The boys prepared a huge fish soup feast today.  They had about 12 bowls out and almost of all of the silverware.  They did spend a long time washing all of it as well.
 We did spend about 30 minutes outside.  Kincaid actually took this picture as I was getting ready.  Not too bad. 
 The snow fort is coming right along.  There is now a tunnel and large living area.  It was about -10 so everyone had to work to stay warm. 
She whined to come out and then kept sitting by the door lifting up one foot and the other.  Poor pooch isn't accustomed to the below zero temperatures.


Anonymous said...

Darkness sets in early, too. That's why we live here!

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of life in Alaska! I look forward to your posts daily. My Alaska fix! tga

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