Monday, December 10, 2012


 We went to the Captain Cook hotel to see the annual Gingerbread House Village.  The kiddos loved looking at all the little houses, the ice skaters and the merry go round.  It is really impressive.  Duke said it smelled almost edible.
 They also have lots of other decorations and the kids liked the trees, santas and reindeer.
 Of course, they also liked the whale pictures.
 It also snowed!  Exciting - we headed out to play and it was so nice that it wasn't freezing.
 They didn't even wear their long johns under their fleece pants and coats.  Good times!
Sahale just watched as they made snow angels.  She didn't quite understand what they were doing!


Anonymous said...

At last!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful week end! What lucky guys to get out and do so many things. xox

Anonymous said...

I loved the weekend recap. We really did have many good times . . . and I loved having Duke fall asleep next to me last night. (It really was a miracle because he talked and talked and talked. When he stopped, I realized that he had fallen asleep in mid sentence.)

Your mom

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