Wednesday, January 2, 2013


 The party crew on New Year's Eve - I think we made it until about 10!  Not the boys, they hit the hay about 9. 
 The traditional "Poppers" - you pull the ends and a hat and toy emerge!
 There were really good things inside - a reuseable shopping bag, measuring tap, screwdriver bits, key chain, etc...  The best part is pulling them apart!
 On the first, we joined our friends for skedaddling!  The boys loved the "hammocks" under the play structure.
 They got to sled with their good friend.
 Slide with Nam,
And throw an amazing fit.  Duke wanted me to carry him, but it was so icy even with grippers.  I told him he could ride in the sled, but instead held onto the back and screamed as I dragged him across the playground.  I took a video that is hilarious.  Kincaid is trying to get him into the sled and he is refusing saying he wants me to carry him.  Poor kiddo too hungry and too tired I think!


Anonymous said...

I love waking up to your pictures. They always put the day in perspective. Life is good.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Love the picture of the Royal Family - crowns look good on all of you!! Happy New Year. Love and look forward to your updates! xoxo tga

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