Monday, February 25, 2013


 Yep, it is Rondy time up here in Alaska!  I love the dogs.  They look so happy running through the snow!

 This guy had pretty purple harnesses that matched his parka.  Loved that.
 Kincaid lost interest quickly.
 Duke taking a break from drinking hot cocoa.
The double sled being pulled back from our tailgate party. 

 The pigs in blankets for the Frostbite Footrace!
My friend from the movie 'The Birds'.  She and another of our friends, (dressed as Hitchcock) won second place!  The pigs didn't get anything, except a lot of oinks!  Such fun!


Anonymous said...

It was another great swinish weekend.


Anonymous said...

What fun pictures to start the day! Thanks for being such a loyal poster!!! tga

Fata Morgana said...

What fun! I think the Pigs should have gotten a nod for sure!


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