Wednesday, February 6, 2013


 It turned sunny after I took this picture.  It turned out to be a beautiful day for sledding on Government Hill.  It is a little noisy with planes, trains and automobiles though.
 Duke drank loads of hot cocoa.  He is a bit like his mother as he LOVES chocolate.  He has graduated from the "little potty" to the big potty (that I don't have to empty and clean, or at least I get to use a big handled brush) with the bribe of chocolate money (those foil coin chocolates).
 They did a lot of turns on the tire.  They both enjoyed going round and round.  I tried to alternate directions and prevent nausea. 
Just a great day.  You can't tell that our daylight is increasing quite a bit.  The boys are so confused about seasons and daylight.  I can relate!


Anonymous said...

As always - looks like another day well spent!! xoxo tga

Anonymous said...

It looks wonderful!

Your Mom

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