Tuesday, February 12, 2013


 I didn't know if the frosting was very good for Nam's cake...
 But, it passed the test with the boys!
 We headed out on a walk in the super sun after a night of about 7 inches of snow!
 These moose were happily munching, even though 2 dogs were barking at them for about 30 minutes.
 The boys played in this tree well for a long time.  They tossed sticks into a big hole for a long time testing its depth.  We decided to come back later when we had a rope for a rescue.
Kincaid found a long ridge line (plowed berm) and walked it for a long time!!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful day! . . . and the frosting was delicious.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Your pictures as always are amazing!! I look forward to you posts each day - except Sat and Sun. Hugs! tga

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