Friday, March 22, 2013


 Kincaid has another great cold (so does Nam) so we didn't go to our normal Thursday hike.  Instead, we took Sahale to the dog park.  She ran miles and miles. The boys love following her through the woods.
 The mountains were beautiful, but my models refused to pose appropriately.
 This huge raven sat in the tree with a stick in his talons for a long time.  He must have been deciding on a nest location.  You can sort of see it hanging from his foot.
 Duke spent a long time in the sled, just laying there.
 On the other hand, Kincaid spent a long time climbing on the mountain. 
 I asked him if his ears were cold.  Great face and bright red ears.

Of course, there was some fishing. 
My friend made this little feeder that suction cups to the window.  It is hilarious to see them eating and looking at me.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful sunny day for a walk in the park.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Great pictures - lucky kids! xooxo tga

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