Monday, March 4, 2013


 Ahhh... I am writing this from the deck as the sun sets.  Whales are jumping around and the boys are happily giggling to the Wild Krattz.  Tough Life.
 The boys were troopers on their "colossal flight".  The last hour and a half was a bit tough, but they were fantastic. 

 This was about a hour into our nearly 2 hour wait for the rental car.  Again, great kids.

 Yes, it is 6:15 and we can take a walk on the beach. 
 This is how they "surf". 
Just a great day.  I am exhausted, but so darn happy. 


Anonymous said...

I'm happy for you. It looks wonderful.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Looks wonderful I could put up with the long flight - but the 2 hour wait for a car! Just not right. Enjoy the Island! xoxo tga

Coleens Recipes said...

Awww, the perks of the silver spoon.

Fata Morgana said...

2 hours for the rental car? I might have had a tantrum at that point. Enjoy!!! :) :)

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