Thursday, April 11, 2013


 Just another day with snow.  We played a lot of snow pirates.  You have to get creative this point in the snow season...
 Kincaid had a blast jumping off of this huge snow cliff into the snow below.  It was about 6+ feet high and he did it again and again.  He stopped when the snow became compacted and his fanny hurt.  I worry for this adrenaline junkie in my future...
 They got quite tired on the snow mountain and had to rest in some snow chairs I made.  So easy to amuse at this age.
I was cooking dinner and they had been fighting for a while.  I didn't hear anything and came around the corner to find this.  They were both just reading quietly.  I love these boys!


Anonymous said...

They are all good, but the last picture is my favorite.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

The boys are growing up so fast! Enjoy! tga

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