Thursday, March 27, 2008

We had a blizzard yesterday morning and it looks much the same this morning. I hunkered down for a little wintry day, but it all melted by the afternoon.

I leashed up Sahale and we headed out for a walk. I didn't know it would end up being as long as it was (about 5+ miles!). It felt good, but my feet are a bit sore this morning, strange. There is a lake in town, medical lake, with a paved trail all around it. It was so pretty! Ducks on the lake, birds in the trees, and little benches. I think that I saw 2 muskrats as well!! They had signs explaining things (one said that you could look across the water and see a rocky slope where young couples used to gather for dates) and I found out why it is called medical lake.

Apparently, the Indians would gather there and breathe in the vapors of boiled water from the lake. Then, a Frenchman Mr. Lefevre (the main street in town is named after him) "discovered it".

"To bathe in (Medical Lake) is like getting shampooed," West Shore Magazine of Portland, Oregon, raved in August 1879. "The water raises lather like the finest toilet soap. Scabby sheep are driven thither and are cured by frequent dips in the lake. Men afflicted with rheumatism, and even palsy, try the water and go away healed. The curative properties are said to be marvelous. It will cure almost any disease, except lying and poverty."

Now, you can't say you don't learn things from my blog and if you visit me we can take a dip in the lake to cure those scabies of yours...


Anonymous said...

Didn't know that about Medical Lake, interesting! When JR and the dogs and I lived in Moses Lake, we would take the dogs for an afternoon to play in Soap Lake. Same healing properties apparently. I do remember Bilbo having the softest coat after he swam there! Hey, never realized there are a lot of towns with "lake" in it over your way! :)

Anonymous said...

Lake water that makes a good due to lots and lots of micro-organisms. Yum! I would like to take a sample for the microscope :)

I know....dorksville!


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to a dip in that lake! It is snowing a bit here and I'm taking the day OFF.

Lara said...

Dang. I need a cure for lying and poverty. ;) But will it cure my leprosy?

Very interesting blog entry!

J. Denae said...

I saw a t-shirt that the baby needs... it reads: I cry when ugly people hold me.
Try to stay out of the water until it gets warmer!!

mfoote said...

Thanks for the interesting education. But no thanks for the snow. The walk sounds wonderful and informative. Too cold to be healing - tga

Anonymous said...


Wow! I want to come swim in your lake! Too bad about the poverty.


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