Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Huck has been rather amused with his own reflection lately. He will laugh, talk like a porpoise, put his face really close and make a wry little smile. It is darn amusing. I put him down next to Parker (who was supposed to babysit, but promptly ran away) and he rolled and scooted until his face was next to the sliding glass door. The part that you can't see (and isn't as amusing) is that he found the one spot missed by the vacuum and had dog hair ALL over his face. It looked as if he was growing some sort of a crazy beard. Oh, the life of a mother to a babe and dogs collide!


Anonymous said...

I love Huck's reflection picture! It's a good think to like ones' self (although I don't know about getting dogs' hair all over oneself).


Knit and Fit said...

That is so darn cute!

Anonymous said...

He is indeed a cutie. Jon wanted to test if Sandy's ears were harmed by the high pitched noises Huck makes.

Anonymous said...

Huck the Rock Star!! What great videos - what a great Mom to share them with all of us admirers. Have a great day - your blog made my day!! tga

lani Keller said...

He's a roller!

Allison said...

he really does sound like a dolphin!

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