Friday, March 20, 2009

Yesterday, I was out and about and drove by Fred Meyer's and decided to stop on in and see what they had. Babe was quite social - smiling and laughing at the other shoppers. While I didn't technically "need" anything, I found a new flavor of Hansen's Soda (Pomegranate -YUMMO) some caffiene free Chai Tea and then in looking for a door handle found a camping roll (huge thing of foam). I have been looking for this since my dad built my huge bench / chest - yipee, now I can finally make a cushion! They also had the ring stacking things on sale and babe needed it desperately. Amazing finds I tell you! Have a great Start of Spring!


Knit and Fit said...

Hey, we have that lucy massaging ball, too. When we were in KC I went to a lucy and got some sale stuff.yay me.

Anonymous said...


The bright-colored rings are a perfect accessory for Huck! Also, I'll be interested to hear how your bench turns out. What a good shopping day.


Anonymous said...

Your blog is always a great way to start the day - wanted you to know how we appreciate it. The rings are so bright - just like Huck. tga

Anonymous said...

I love pomegranate Hansens! Can't wait to see the Huckster. I'm adding to my list I'ld like not only crawling but also TEETH!

Anonymous said...

Kory should know nurring and teeth are a no - no! dad

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