Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This afternoon, my little sister is giving her doctoral dissertation defense. She is getting a doctorate in biochemistry from UCSF and her dissertation is over things that are way above my head. She did act out part of it to me once and that let me understand it just a bit - she works with flies, I do know that. So, there will be two doctors in the family and it is amazing how far she has come! Woo Woo - go Lu! (this was my first try at scanning images...)


Anonymous said...

What a special tribute to your little sis - I always felt my little sis was special, too. tga And good luck Lani - we are all so proud of you!

BreeAnn said...

Good luck Lani!!!!

lani Keller said...

Thanks Lia!! We just got back from a super fun science museum and now I'm off for the talk....ick. Then we can actually celebrate!

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