Monday, July 27, 2009

Good Monday Morning!

I hope that you had a relaxing weekend. I didn't have big plans and that was quite nice. My dad's relatives went fishing and brought us back a bunch of Halibut! So, for the last few days we have had fresh Halibut and there really isn't anything like that. Huck loves the fish, but really has been wanting Tomatoes. My dad has so many from his greenhouse and when Huck walks by the plate, he reaches out for them. It is so funny for a young kid to like them I think! Huck also enjoys carrying around chapstick - it is the perfect size for a toddler I think. He also tends to stick it in his mouth like in that picture - that is so darn amusing I think!


mfoote said...

Huck knows where chap stick belongs!! tga

Anonymous said...

Tomatoes. Lani and I are so very jealous that he didn't have to work for a year to learn to like them.

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