Friday, April 6, 2012

Sorry about yesterday..

There was a mutiny when I was trying to get the kids ready for our hike.  I found that resistance was futile.  They opted to go to the water park instead.

They had quite a good time splashing in the water.

Duke enjoyed sitting on the edge and kicking his feet.  We did a few turns down the slide too though.

He mostly liked playing with the snake Kincaid brought.  It floated and seemed to slither with the waves much to his delight (and that of other children as well).

It was a nice change from being wet outside.  It actually was warmer too - I didn't even start to shiver this time.

This was Kincaid's legs and air plane underwater.  Lately, Duke has become interested in airplanes, helicopters and cars.  It is fun to see him liking things that are different from his older brother.

When we got home, I got Kincaid dressed to go out.  Then, Duke wanted to go out and as soon as I got him dressed Kincaid wanted to come in and when he was undressed Duke wanted to come in immediately.  It was almost amusing.  Here, you can see Kincaid's lure and line near the camera and Duke looking to see his "fish" (a pinecone).  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pinecones make great fish. Your children are so clever.

Your mom

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