Friday, July 13, 2012


I really like Fall, but just not in the middle of summer.  We had a great hike at Russian Jack and came home to make a fire.  It felt so nice to be all warm and toasty while we read books.  It was 50, but rainy, grey and windy.  The boys had a great time running on our hike, but got in near the end to eat their sandwiches.
Duke fell asleep soon thereafter and Kincaid fell asleep just as we rolled into the driveway.  It has been a long time since I had a shot of them sleeping in the wump!  Of course, they woke up when I was taking them out.  Alas, it was quiet on the run home at least.

(And Happy Friday the 13th!  13 has always been my lucky number!)


Anonymous said...

Fall is nice as well.


Anonymous said...

I hope this Friday the 13th is another lucky day for you. As always great pictures. tag

Anonymous said...

Lucky is good!

Your mom

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