Thursday, April 17, 2014


We mailed a package and Duke said that he needed something to eat before he could pick out a book at Title Wave.  Some Kaladi cookies did the trick so he could select yet another shark book.

He then needed more food (after he had lunch) for a stroller ride and dog walk.  He ate an entire yellow pepper.  He has eat at least one pepper a day this week.  We only have one pepper in the bag of 6 to last us until we make it back to Costco.  I guess there are worse foods to eat too much of!

We picked up Kin and I had left the back door unlocked.  Nonetheless, both boys climbed through the doggie door.  It was a bit more difficult for Kin.  I must say that Sahale did a good job of licking their faces in a sort of guard doggish way.


Anonymous said...

I love the "dog door" entry. Why didn't you girls ever do that?

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Looks like the fun and food never ends! What lucky guys! xoxo tga

Anonymous said...

Hey Lia!

Ella loves bell peppers too!

We miss you,
Susan and JR

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