Monday, January 14, 2013

Measuring Up.

 Here, the kids are trying to get into height order.  Their "challenge" (kincaid's term) was about measuring - finding items bigger, estimating...
 Afterwards, the kids did some fishing. 
 We went on a little walk and they both decided it might be easier to go under this branch.  I opted to stop over it.
 We played outside in our fort one last time.  It is a sad sight right now as it is 35 and raining.  If it freezes, that thing is going to be SOLID.

 Sal played outside with us too.  Not as regal as Parker, but rather pretty.


Anonymous said...

They measure up and beyond. (I'm also thinking of Duke talking about his "brilliant idea" last night.)

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Temp 20 degrees here so if it gets too hot for you there - come on down! As always great pictures. Thanks! xoxo tga

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