Friday, January 11, 2013


 Had a great hike in Far North Bicentennial Park today.  I love this place, but it is scary in the summer.  A nice river runs through it and bears LOVE to hang out and munch, munch, much.  They close the trails and  just wait until winter so those pesky critters are all asleep.

We did some sliking - (sled + hiking) and the boys loved it.  I got a good work out going up and then at our turn around point, I hopped into the sled with the boys.  I am getting quite good at turning the sled (slowing with my hands and then throwing my hips quickly to one side does the trick).  We made it back about 10 minutes before our friends on foot - tee hee!  Good times! 

Trying to have a positive attitude about the forecasted tropical high coming the end of the weekend.  Allegedly bringing 50 degrees to us - I am trying to figure out how to make lemonade out of those lemons...


Anonymous said...

Looks like a day well spent! Sounds like your temps are warmer than ours. We have our young fruit trees covered and the old ones with lights to prevent frost bite!! Have a great day tga I looked for your picture in the Frosty Bottom pictures.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a day well spent! Sounds like your temps are warmer than ours. We have our young fruit trees covered and the old ones with lights to prevent frost bite!! Have a great day tga I looked for your picture in the Frosty Bottom pictures.

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