Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Red Boy Group

 Kincaid is actually helping Duke, not resisting the body painting.  They enjoy making "wetsuits" out of the paint, no clue where that started.  I did clean the bathtub with Clorox afterwards as the washable paint leaves a residue. 
 Skedaddle was fun, but Duke kept playing "dead".  Apparently, the large white whale (a.k.a., our sledding hill) had large teeth that attacked him.  You will be happy to know we harpooned him in the end. 
The boys discovered that they could climb the roof of the little cabins at the playground.  I know other mothers at skedaddle were grumbling at me and my reckless parenting, but I spotted them (and had someone else spot during the photo op).  I love those boys.


Anonymous said...

Moby is everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures - love the tales and smiling faces! xox tga

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