Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sumo, museum

 The boys were crazy and it was well below zero.  Stuff pillows in XXX shirts - sumo fun.
 We also went to the Dino museum.  The kids sat in the same chair during story time.  The lady talked about bears sleeping and duke said, "sometimes it is called hibernation".  Smart fellow.  Kincaid also guessed the penguin before even the adults next to us that were trying to outguess the kids. 
 Yes, I dressed them the same.  I love these sweatshirts they got for Christmas.  They look so cute.
Duke looks quite adorable in anything though...  Kincaid does too, but refused to be photographed.


Anonymous said...

A clever mom those boys have,msumos.

Anonymous said...

What a great day for the boys! (You make every day good for them, though.)

Your mom

Anonymous said...

What great adventures - another day well spent - what lucky guys! tga

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