Wednesday, January 30, 2013


 It warmed up to 5 and our group met at the sledding hill.  Only two families joined us, but the boys didn't care.  The wind was blowing making it a bit of blizzard.
 Duke spent a lot of time eating snow.  It can be below zero and he eats snow.  Cheap date.
 We sledded a few times, but then sledded over to the green house.  I am glad no one was trying to relax there as the boys were playing hide and seek and run around and yell.  A favorite game of the boys.
Of course, the kids had to have a snack.  They are looking at the bench that rocked a bit in this picture.  Not the best, but cracked me up a bit. 


Anonymous said...

It always looks as if they are having a fun time . . . and it warms my heart to see them eating snickerdoodles.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Lucky kids to have so many adventures! tga

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