Friday, February 1, 2013


 Our hike took us to the wilds of Cheney Lake.  The kids were in the sled almost all the way encouraging me to run.  I used it as a little bit of interval training.
 It was about 30 degrees, but Duke said he got cold and needed the heater to warm up a bit.
 Here is what Duke spends most of his time doing.  He stayed up late to do some drawing the other night.  He didn't care that he missed stories.  He HAD to draw some more fish.
 I skied over to ski with my mom.  I did some bush whacking to get back to the trail to get there on time.  It was comical as I emerged from the woods and scared the pants off a guy. 
 The boys did some sitting with Nam as they watched a "show".
The sun was so pretty through the trees, but it didn't translate very well to the picture.  Tonight, we pick up Kory for a fun filled weekend!  Yipee! 


Anonymous said...

Looks like a life filled with love and laughter - not sure about scaring the pants off some guy!! Too Funny!

Anonymous said...

Your physical ability amazes me. I'm sure you could have skied another dozen miles or two.

Your mom

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