Wednesday, February 27, 2013


 Just some pictures from skedaddle today.  The boys are letting this little guy into their "group" after ice fishing with him the other day.  They chased him around and were playing a game with him, but I don't know if he knew what the game was about.
 The boys are parachuting here. 
 Kincaid had to wear sunglasses today.  Here he is sledding with his friend. 
 Duke has to stop and have cocoa during our outings.  This time, he is having Chai.  Good taste.
These are my little sous chefs the other day.  They spent about 15 minutes cutting up and eating sugar snap peas.  A lot fell on the floor, but Sahale ate them right up! 


Anonymous said...

Peas and parachutes! Life is good.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Wow! Lots of great pictures - I look forward to them every day - even look on Sat and Sunday sometime. I don't always remember it is the week end. xoxo tga

Fata Morgana said...

Z feels extra cool being in the group. I cannot get enough of K telling him the 'way of things.' It is great-- perhaps he will listen! :)


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