Thursday, February 28, 2013


 We took a few friends ice fishing and a friend took a picture of me looking at the fish.  I love watching down the hole and seeing them take nibbles.
 The ice fishing crew - not a single huge bite among us!  SKUNKED!
 Kincaid mainly spent the day using our new scooper to get ice out of the holes.  He didn't drop it in, amazing.
 He did a little fishing to show a friend the proper "technique".
 He did find a tiny minnow in the ice.  Poor thing - stiff as a board. The boys buried it and said nice things about him.  "I like minnows".
 Someone else got tired.
His persistence did not pay off today!  It was super sunny at times, but here it looks like negative 30.  Just about 20 above though.


Anonymous said...

No fish for dinner (but someone is secretly glad).

Your mom

Fata Morgana said...

I didn't realize that a goose egg was known as skunked! Good to know! You will make a fisher person out of me yet (perhaps). Thanks again!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a day well spent!! What lucky you are to all have each other!! tga

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