Wednesday, February 13, 2013


 The day started out so nicely.  A friend had brought us a King Cake to celebrate her Southern roots.  The boys loved it for their breakfast.

Duke got the slice with the baby and the boys decided he is the king of the holiday.  They also decided that I needed to make him a crown.  The day plummeted down hill after that.  Tantrums at skedaddle had us leaving the playground - both kids in tears and screaming at me.  Fights all day and then a battle at dinner - apparently, the salmon quesodillas smelled bad.  Kincaid finally gagged down a few pieces with the help of water to get a piece of cake. 

Ahh, the glamorous life of a stay at home mom.  Planning on ice fishing tomorrow so it should be better, right?


Anonymous said...

I'm sure ice fishing will make everything right.


Fata Morgana said...

Ice fishing was amazing!!! Thank you both again. Honestly--- you and your family are simply incredible people. One in a million. So thankful to know you!

And glad they liked the cake!

Fata Morgana said...

Ice fishing was amazing!!! Thank you both again. Honestly--- you and your family are simply incredible people. One in a million. So thankful to know you!

And glad they liked the cake!

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