Friday, April 3, 2009

Oodles of Noodles! I have found a wonderful way to occupy Babe while I do "things" like dishes or eat. I put a handful of angel hair noodles on his high chair tray. He makes a god awful mess, but I just stand him up on the floor and the dogs clean up noodles stuck to his outfit. He laughs, squishes them in his hands and sucks them off of his fingers. Babe also likes it when I say, "Noodles!". Cheap entertainment!

Last weekend while out and about, my friend bought me some tulips (yellow are my favorite!) and I bought her some too! It was a great treat and they remind me of spring while looking out the window at the 3 inches of snow on the ground!


Anonymous said...

Huck looks good wearing anything--even noodles! It's great to see the yellow tulips, too. They are a bit of sunshine on a snowy day!


Anonymous said...

Snow snow go away Huck and Lia want to play. At this point enough snow is enough snow. The tulips are like you - bright and sunny. tga

Anonymous said...

Huck is a pasta lover. All the tulip festivals here are happening even though the tulips are incredibly late and there are very few of them so far.

lani Keller said...

You should get a tape recorder of you saying "Noodles" over and over.


BreeAnn said...

I love flowers too, they help with the spring fever!

Anonymous said...

Grandpa's place has flowers coming about 6 inches or so right next to the house (just behind the 3 foot if snow on the rest of the flower bed) . .. dad

Coleens Recipes said...

You are SUCH a kind mommy. When our kids were at that "noodle stage" I could NOT resist draping one over the top of their head for my own amusement LOL. Grandpa's tulips are ahead of mind...mine are only about 3" up (up next to the house and behind a big snow pile)

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