Friday, June 19, 2009

Here are two pictures that were taken a while ago, but I didn't get any new pics today.  Huck was into mischief at every turn.  My favorite was when I told him not to touch something about three times, he threw a small fit and then grabbed a brush and touched it with the brush.  While I appreciated his creativity, I still had to say nix on the behavior.  I still love the little guy though and should have good pictures from the weekend as my sisters are coming!  Yipee.  

(First is Huck with his great-grandpa Kelly, such a fine pair and then at the Luau with my cousin Meggers)


Anonymous said...

Four generations together - pretty darn special. Love the pictures as always. tga

Anonymous said...

Doh . . . I thought I was coming at 5:55 this morn, and was shocked when Alaska said I couldn't check in because it was too early. So now I have all day free! Time to visit both Angelica and the nursing home. Plus, I need pasties for my great new $30 wedding dress that will not accomodate a bra.

Lara said...

That kid is a thinker! How funny.

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