Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It was yet another beautiful day! We accompanied my dad on a ride out to grandpa's house. While he worked to get the boat ready for fishing season, I took Huck on his first 4-Wheel ride. Boy did he enjoy it! We drove out to the inlet and I was ready to let him step in the mud, but the tide was out and the mud was all dry. He made "whee!" noises while we drove and it was so amusing. He had a mostly bad day other than that with a fever and not feeling very good at all. After sleeping, crying and eating for a few hours, his fever broke and his attitude changed. Whew - good thing!

*Just thought I would let everyone know that I have been pre-blogging. Blogger lets you set the day and time that the post gets published. So, while I very well might be up at 5 am (thank you little Huck) I don't often blog then!*


Anonymous said...

What a nice day at the farm. And thanks for the pre blog info. What a nice blog site to let you do that. Glad that the Rock Star is feeling better - this growing up isn't easy! tga

Anonymous said...

He looks ready to start 4-wheeler driving lessons!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Huck can drive the bride and groom for their wedding entrance! The "whee" sound effects would fit right in.


BreeAnn said...

Looks like so much fun! Was such a nice day for it too. I hope Huck is feeling better.

lani Keller said...

It is never too early for the first 4-wheeler ride!

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