Monday, September 7, 2009

I am exhausted! The BBQ went off without a hitch and the weather was more that could be asked for in Alaska in September. These are pictures from putting the moose into the ground and tomorrow I will post the pictures of the BBQ itself (thanks to the older sister as I didn't take one picture). Most of my loyal blog readers are well versed in the moose preparation, but maybe some new followers need some education.

You get a moose (thanks to a cousin and family), put a piece into foil with spices are BBQ sauce, wrap the foiled piece with muslin and then make a tie of wire. You then soak the wrapped pieces so the muslin won't burn. Put pieces into the pit that has been making coals for about 24 hours for about 24 hours of cooking. The pit is lined with concrete and has some metal lids and then dirt on top with a tarp covering. I will do an actual BBQ post tomorrow!! Hope you had (are having) a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and the post about the BBQ. Wish I would have been there. It is a great time to see so many family and friends not to mention the wonderful food.
The picture of Ron, Kelly and Huck warms my heart. tga

Anonymous said...

It was a great barbeque--thanks to Kory and Lia's help, and the great crab and shrimp supplied by your cousins . . . and the added entertainment factor of your babe.


Your mom

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