Friday, February 24, 2012

Sick Day (again...)

This is nap one for Kincaid.  He is sick yet again.  

Duke is sick, but in better spirits for the most part.  He was a bit frustrated that he couldn't get all the way inside this box.  He refused the idea to get a larger box.

While I was holding Kincaid on the couch, I let Duke "make a fire" and "roast hot dogs".  I did vacuum up all evidence (you didn't even notice did you bop and nam?)  He had a great time and said that he was a "great lifter".  He did smash his fingers a few times, but didn't cry.

Here is nap number 2 for Kincaid who hasn't napped in quite a while.  He even told me he wanted to go bed about 8:30.  Poor kiddos are in there sniffling and coughing.  I hope they are better tomorrow with all of this rest.  We did take a hot tub today for some fresh air...


Anonymous said...

So sorry to have brought the latest misery to the kiddos.

Anonymous said...

Hope the boys get to feeling better soon. I know how tough it is on the Mom!! tga

Coleens Recipes said...

Sleep IS the best medicine.

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