Friday, March 23, 2012

Sunny Skies

We "walked" with our group today.  I put that in quotes as we didn't make it that far.  Kincaid screamed on the way out and then Duke on way back.  Kincaid was cold and Duke was upset.  He wanted me to carry him and when I put him in the sled screaming he kept flinging himself out, again and again.  Good Times.

Look at that scowl.  He screamed about wanting to go to the chair and then yelling.  Eventually, I figured out he just wanted to touch the chair and not sit in it.  Silly me.

There was dry cement under there so all the sleds had to portage.  It was rather amusing.

I love this part of the trail.  There are silver fish along the fences.

The stamps in the concrete are great with fish, bears, moose and this wonderful eagle catching a salmon.

We all loved the pixie lure lamp.

Both kids were screaming as I stopped to take this picture.  I just thought it was amusing to see a No Swimming sign with all the snow!  I should hope no one would be swimming.


Anonymous said...

It is tempting to just dive into all that snow.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

I love the art work and the snowy pictures. tag

Fata Morgana said...

Right before we saw you guys, Z tried swimming! Or at least, he looked like he was swimming as he was up to his chest in snow.

At least we all got out, right?? :)

Hope your car picnic went well.

Meg Aurora said...

Duke's got a GREAT scowl going on!

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