Tuesday, June 19, 2012

First Fishing of the Summer!

 Baby moose are one of the cutest animals.  Their long legs and adorable little ears.  This family walked by this morning. 
 We headed out to the river this morning and the boys were so excited.  We had a great trip with amazing weather, but no fish.  We saw a batch of little guys, but no one wanted to bite.
 They are so much better and easier on the boat this year.  Their boat coats fit nicely and they don't even ask to take them off.  Duke did some driving with Bop.
 The river was the highest I have ever seen it.  Most of our fishing spots were well below water, so we had to fish from the boat.  I got to do some fly fishing and Kincaid has an amazing cast.  He is almost ready for a hook.  Duke needs some more practice.
 We stopped fishing and let the boys run on the bank.  They got nuded up and played for a bit. 
 Kincaid is modeling his fishing shirt from Aunt Kory.  He loved it and Duke wore his new shirt too.  They were quite fashionable.
 I had to keep a hand on Duke's coat as he was letting his "fish" hit the water on our way back.
 We heard some thunder and high tailed it for home.  The clouds were mean looking, but we didn't wet!  Amazing luck!
The fisherman back on land and ready to head for home!!! 


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day!

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Look at that weather!

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