Thursday, July 5, 2012


 Silly Duke waiting for the parade to start.
 Kincaid climbed trees while waiting.  Still waiting.  Still waiting.
 It finally started really late.  The boys were about over the whole thing.
 Here they are on the way back to the truck.
 We headed out to our picnic and had a wonderful time!
 Kincaid did some fishing down by the river with my cousins. 
 I had to engineer some safety measures to keep me from being too nervous. 
One person in the group caught a Dolly and boy did it make them happy.  Someone said that it seemed that the fish was "well loved" when it made it back to the party.  It was well loved. 


Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful 4th of July! tag

Anonymous said...

They do love dolly varden.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures; great day.

Your mom

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