Thursday, December 12, 2013


 I took this picture of the moon hovering over the clouds and then turned to my right and snapped the picture of the bright sun.  It just doesn't seem fair to have the moon 1/2 up there and the sun never getting that high.  Oh well, it sure was beautiful!  Another strange phenomenon that happened today is that when I got up it was 24 and within about 2 hours it dropped to 18 and has been going downhill to our current 12.  A system is coming through and tonight into tomorrow is supposed to be chilly!  I don't mind as our snow won't melt in those temperatures.
 Here are the boys after school in the fort - turned boat.  The smashed in the top the other day.  Duke and I spent an hour (his choice) collecting ice blocks to make a 'windshield'.  We did that and then he needed a 'porthole' so we dug a tunnel.  I figure that it is fantastic exercise for me and he is outside (which translates into not whining).  Win-Win!


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are amazing!

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and wonderful snow boat! Have a great day - oxox tga

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