Friday, February 21, 2014


 We have had loads of birds at the feeders with all of the snow.  I love how the nuthatches seem to eat upside down.  The next one is of Kin's class.  They were playing outside right before the end of school.  They looked over and said, "Hi Duke!".  Then, nearly all of the class proceeded to get into the sled on top of Duke.  He was all right for a bit and then starting crying that he was being smushed.  I tried pulling them, but it was too much.  So funny to see all of them playing and have fun.  Makes me feel happy!
On our way home, I noticed the sled was getting awfully difficult to pull.  Apparently, the snow blankets added a bit of extra weight.


Anonymous said...

Birds and blankets of snow--life is good.

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Life is good - what cute kids! tga

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