Tuesday, December 2, 2014


 Forest School visited Point Woronzoff.  It was about 20 degrees with a BIG wind chill.  The kids were troopers for the most part.  I did see one group come down the hill late and immediately head back up the hill to the parking lot.  Oh, well!  Duke was crying that it was too cold on the walk down to the inlet and then we ended up staying over an hour.
 It was pretty out there and he had fun collecting rocks.
 He also found this big drift wood log and climbed on it for some time.
We got Kincaid and played outside after dinner in the snow!  It was so much fun, but I had to force them to come inside for bath, shows and bed.  I love those kids.


Anonymous said...

Ah, ha! Now I see the tree that Duke climbed. (He's trying to be like his mom.)

Your mom

Anonymous said...

Duke has succumbed to mittens!

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