Tuesday, May 8, 2012


My mom bought a bed side dresser from the shop class at her school.  She didn't know what to do with it, but I had an idea.  I enlisted my live-in carpenter (a.k.a., Bop) to transform it into a kitchen.  The boys love to cook and had a great time on its first test run.

They immediately used the top as a counter top and cook station. I might cut some circles out of contact paper for the cooking elements.

The bottom section was open, but Bop made a hinged (and magnetic latched) oven door.  It has a rack and if you lift it up there is pot and pan storage.  Clever fellow, isn't he?

They bakes, cooked, sauteed and mixed for quite a long time.

Such good times.  I hope this trend continues.  I would love to have them cooking for me before their teen years!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yes, let's train them to cook wonderful things for us!

Your mom

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