Friday, June 15, 2012


 We opted out of the hike this morning and went out to Birchwood instead.  The boys insisted we walk down to the inlet.  I think this is the worst year for Mosquitoes, ever.  On our orienteering adventure the other night, they were "thick".  As in, if you breathed in you would inhale multiple bugs.  It was amazing.  They were bad at the inlet too.  It was hard to keep moving fast as toddlers aren't the quickest walkers. 
 They did some playing in the boat.  I think I need one at the house.  I could get so much done if that was in the living room.
 Duke posed for me.  Isn't that kiddo photogenic?  Even when modeling in a boat!
 Kincaid has taken to watering trees.  He has to walk around and find one that looks thirsty, but can now manage this by himself!  He does waddle over to me for help pulling everything back up though.
 It tuckered them out and we had a rather silent ride home.  That is Sahale's ear in the bottom right corner.  She did really well out there.  I leashed her on the walk to the inlet, but was really good about coming back when I called her around the house.
 We then tried to watch the baseball game, but it was cancelled.  The boys did laps on the hill and ran after an older kiddo.  They called him, "Mr. Yellow Shorts" and had a great time.
We spent a long time blowing dandelion fluff and making wishes.  We wished for many fish, to catch a Nile Perch, to visit Africa (to see Jeremy Wade) and my favorite.  Kincaid wished that "You (as in me) will never leave me forever."  Made my heart melt a bit. 


Anonymous said...

I could see Huck with boat in his bachelor pad.


Anonymous said...

It was a long, wonderful day.

Your mom

Fata Morgana said...

Awwwww! (re: Kincaid's comment). That just makes it all worth it, doesn't it?!? :) :)

I KNEW you guys had to be doing something fantastic on a sunny morning. We missed you, but the mosquitoes chased the group around a lot. I don't know who put the miracle grow in the mosquitoes bonnet this year, but they are NUTS!


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